

発生工学研究室小久保博樹助教が日本小児循環器学会祝賀会でChairperson Awardを受賞

発生工学研究室の小久保博樹助教が小児循環器学会 (Japanese pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery), asia-pacific pediatric cardiac society, asia-pacific society for adult congenital heart disease の合同学会で、Chairperson Award を受賞しました。受賞の対象となった発表および表彰式内容は以下のとおりです。

日時: 7月7日(水)
場所: 東京(シェラトン グランド 東京ベイホテル)
Chairperson Award 受賞テーマ: “Hesr2 disrupted mice develop aortic valve disease with advancing age.”

The 3rd Congress of Asia-Pasific Cardiac Society


Dr. Hiroki Kokubo received the Chairperson Award of the 3rd Congress of Asia-Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society.

NT20100715 Dr. Hiroki Kokubo, Mammalian Development Lab., received the Chairperson Award of the 3rd Congress of Asia-Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society. The Awarding Ceremony was held in the evening of 7th July from 20p.m. at the Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay hotel, as part of the 3rd Congress of Asia-Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society on July 6-8th in Chiba, Japan. Dr. Kokubo gave a lecture titled “Hesr2 disrupted mice develop aortic valve disease with advancing age. Chairperson Award: ” Hesr2 disrupted mice develop aortic valve disease with advancing age.” Information: Mammalian Development Laboratory, Saga Laboratory

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