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Clicking the model name will take you to the reservation sheet.
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
A02 | I | Desktop cell sorter | JSAN, 488/561/638nm Laser | Noriyoshi SAKAI | nosakai | C-314 |
A05 | I | Electroporator | Amaxa Nucleofector II | Tatsumi HIRATA | tathirat | C-212 |
A06 | I | Cell Sorter | SONY Cell Sorter SH800S | Kazuhiude ASAKAWA | kasakawa | C-314 |
A07 | I | CO2 incubator (x5) | ThermoScientific FORMA etc. | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-212 |
A08 | I | Biohazard cabinet (x2) | SANYO MHE-132AJ, Hitachi ClassIIA | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-212 |
A09 | I | Clean bench | Showa Science | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-212 |
A10 | I | Cell counter | BioRad TC10 | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-212 |
※メールアドレスは、 Contact Address の後ろに @nig.ac.jp を補ってご利用ください
ロータのリストはここをクリック.Click herefor the rotor list.
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
BA01 | Ultra-centrifuge | BECKMAN L5-50 (S/N 1126100) | Yoshiki ANDACHI | yandachi | H-305 | |
BA02 | Ultra-centrifuge | BECKMAN L-60 (S/N 96E1473) | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | J-113 | |
BA03 | X | Ultra-centrifuge | BECKMAN COULTER L-90K (S/N COL06M27) | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | C-203 |
BA04 | Ultra-centrifuge | BECKMAN XL-70 (S/N X1H724) | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | J-113 | |
BA05 | Ultra-centrifuge | BECKMAN XL-80 (S/N X9M012) | Yoshiki ANDACHI | yandachi | H-204 | |
BA06 | I | Ultra-centrifuge | Beckman Optima XE-90 (S/N CXE14G13) | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | C-203 |
BB01 | X | Table-top Ultra-centrifuge | Beckman Optima MAX-E (S/N CTM03G08) | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | C-203 |
BB02 | Table-top Ultra-centrifuge | Beckman Optima MAX-XP (S/N CTL95E17) | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | C-203 | |
BC01 | High-speed centrifuge | BECKMAN J2-21M/E | Yoshiki ANDACHI | yandachi | H-204 | |
BC02 | I | High-speed centrifuge | Beckman, AVANTI HP-25J (S/N JHY00A07) | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | A-314 |
BC03 | I | High-speed centrifuge | Beckman Avanti J-HC (S/N JPG02M02) | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | C-203 |
BC04 | High-speed centrifuge | Beckman Avanti HP20 XP (S/N JXP05C05) | Yoshiki ANDACHI | yandachi | H-211 | |
BD01 | I | Table Top High-speed centrifuge | Beckman Allegra X-30R (S/N ALZ18A071) | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | C-203 |
BE01 | I | Elutriator | Beckman HP-26XP with an elutriation rotor JE-50 (S/N JXS11B40) | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | C-212 |
※メールアドレスは、 Contact Address の後ろに @nig.ac.jp を補ってご利用ください
Internal equipment can be reserved from the NIG Local Information site/所内向け情報.
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
C04 | I | MiSeq Sequencing System | illumina | Sho OKAMOTO | sokamoto | A-222 |
C05 | MiSeq Sequencing System | illumina | Tetsuaki KIMURA | tekimura | C-516 | |
C06 | X | Acoustic Solubilizer | COVARIS S2 | Hinako ISHIZAKI | hishizak | A-222 |
※メールアドレスは、 Contact Address の後ろに @nig.ac.jp を補ってご利用ください
Internal equipment can be reserved from the NIG Local Information site/所内向け情報.
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
D04 | I | Multiphoton Microscope | Zeiss LSM7MP / SpectraPhysics MaiTai-eHPDS | Takuji IWASATO | tiwasato | A-223 |
D07 | Microscope for confocal/TIRF/optical tweezers | Nikon A1 with confocal/TIRF/optical tweezers units | Yuta SHIMAMOTO | yuta.shimamoto | C-314 | |
D09 | I | Confocal Microscope | Olympus FV-1000-D (inverted) manual, hardware, software | Kayo HIBINO | kayo_hibino | G-109-3 |
D10 | Confocal Microscope | Olympus FV-1200 | Kazuhide ASAKAWA | kasakawa | A-222 | |
D11 | I | Confocal fluorescence scanner system | Cell Voyager CV1000 II | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-314 |
D13 | II | Optical Sectioning Microscope | DeltaVision Personal DV | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-419 |
D16 | I | Discussion microscope (BF, DIC) | OLYMPUS BX51N-33-SDO | Shizuka KOSHIMIZU | skoshimizu | C-109 |
D18 | Fluorescent Stereomicroscope | Olympus SZX16 | Masato YAMAMICHI | myamamichi | C-106 | |
D19 | Fluorescent Stereomicroscope | Olympus SZX16 | Kayo HIBINO | kayo_hibino | G-111 | |
D22 | Microinjection System | LEICA MZ16FA, Narishige Microinjection | Noriyoshi SAKAI | nosakai | S-106 | |
D23 | Laser Iradiation System | ZEISS Axioplan2, Micropoint | Kayo HIBINO | kayo_hibino | G-111 | |
D24 | II | Laser microdissection system | Leica LMD6000( spec) | Yutaka SATO | yusato | R-105 |
D25 | 3D Image Analysis Software | Zeiss (Bitplane) IMARIS +MeasurementPro, Track, FilamentTracer, Coloc | Akatsuki KIMURA, Akiteru MAENO | akkimura , amaeno | A-222 | |
D27 | Spinning disk confocal microscope | Yokogawa CSU-W1 | Koichi KAWAKAMI | tshiraki | A-223 | |
D28 | I | All-in-one fluorescence microscope | BZ-X700 with BZ?H3XD | Tatsumi HIRATA | tathirat | C-516 |
D29 | Portable incubation system | TOKAI Hit INUG2-UK-D15S | Yuta SHIMAMOTO | yuta.shimamoto | A-209 | |
D30 | Lightsheet microscope | Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1 | Koichi KAWAKAMI | hitanabe | C-314 | |
D31 | I | DeltaVision Ultra | DeltaVision Ultra | Kazuhiro MAESHIMA | kmaeshim | C-314 |
D32 | I | Micro focus X-ray CT | ScanXmate-E090S105 | Akiteru MAENO | amaeno | A-225 |
D33 | I | Fluorescent microscope | Olympus IX71 with a DP72 camera | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-212 |
D34 | I | Phase contrast microscope | Olympus CKX41 | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-212 |
D35 | I | Phase contrast microscope | Zeiss Axiovert 25 | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-212 |
Internal equipment can be reserved from the NIG Local Information site/所内向け情報.
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
D36 | I | Image analyses | Mac Pro | Akiteru MAENO | amaeno | A-222 |
D37 | I | Micro focus X-ray CT | ScanXmate-CF110TSH320/460 | Akiteru MAENO | amaeno | A-225 |
※メールアドレスは、 Contact Address の後ろに @nig.ac.jp を補ってご利用ください
Internal equipment can be reserved from the NIG Local Information site/所内向け情報.
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
E02 | I | Microchip-type Electrophoresis System | AGILENT 2100 Bioanalyzer how to use (Japanese only) | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-516 |
E03 | Gel electrophoresis Image Analysis System | Pharmacia ImageMaster VDS | Kazuho IKEO | kikeo | W-104 | |
E06 | I | Pulse-field gel electrophoresis | BIO-RAD CHEF Mapper | Mariko SASAKI | m_sasaki | A-227 |
※メールアドレスは、 Contact Address の後ろに @nig.ac.jp を補ってご利用ください
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
F02 | I | Ice Machine | Hoshizaki FM-120K | Shin-ya MIYAGISHIMA | smiyagis | A-314 |
F03 | I | Ice Machine | HOSHIZAKI Cubestar | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-413 |
F04 | Ice Machine | Hoshizaki FH230AE-1-SA | Yutaka SATO | yusato | R-108 | |
F06 | I | Ice Machine | SANYO FM-120K | Hitoshi SAWA | hisawa | G-305 |
F08 | Ice Machine | HOSHIZAKI FM-120K | Yuta SHIMAMOTO | yuta.shimamoto | C-203 |
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
H02 | I | Ultrapure Water System | MilliQ Synthesis | Kazuhiro MAESHIMA | kmaeshim | G-205 |
H03 | I | Ultrapure Water System | MilliQ Synthesis | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-413 |
H04 | I | Ultrapure Water System | MilliQ Synthesis | Yutaka SATO | yusato | R-108 |
H06 | I | Pure Water System | Merck, IX7005 | Takayuki TORISAWA | t_torisawa | A-314 |
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
I02 | I | Cryostat | LEICA CM3050S | Tatsumi HIRATA | tathirat | C-516 |
I03 | I | Ultra Microtome | REICHERT Ultracut S | Shizuka KOSHIMIZU | skoshimizu | C-109 |
I04 | I | Ultra Microtome w/ Cryokit | Leica EM UC6+FC6 | Shizuka KOSHIMIZU | skoshimizu | C-109 |
I05 | I | Incubator for EM Preparations | DSK-EM TD-750B | Shizuka KOSHIMIZU | skoshimizu | C-109 |
I06 | Vibratome | Meiwafocis VIB3000 Plus | Koichi KAWAKAMI | hitanabe | C-103 | |
I07 | I | Hydrophilic Treatment Device | JOEL HDT-400 | Shizuka KOSHIMIZU | skoshimizu | C-109 |
I08 | X | Osmium Coater | Vacuum Device Inc. HPC-1S | Shizuka KOSHIMIZU | skoshimizu | C-109 |
I09 | I | Linear Slicer | Neo Linear Slicer AT NLS-AT TUV-200 SZ61 | Shizuka KOSHIMIZU | skoshimizu | C-109 |
I10 | I | Cryostat | LEICA CM3050SIII | Tatsumi HIRATA | tathirat | C-516 |
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
J01 | Large Printer | EPSON SureColor SC-T7250 , プリンタのドライバー, クイックガイド , ユーザーガイド | Library | tosyo01 | B-202 | |
J03 | I | Large Printer | EPSON SureColor SC-T5455 | Library | tosyo01 | B-202 |
J04 | I | Large Printer | EPSON SureColor SC-T5455 | Library | tosyo01 | B-202 |
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
K01 | Image Analyzer (RI, fluorescence) | FUJI FLA-2000 | Yoshiki ANDACHI | yandachi | H-109 | |
K02 | Image Analyzer (RI, fluorescence) | FUJI FLA-9000 | Yoshiki ANDACHI | yandachi | G-108 | |
K04 | Image Analyzer (RI) | FUJI BAS-2500 | Yoshiki ANDACHI | yandachi | G-108 | |
K05 | I | Image Analyzer | BioRad Chemidoc Touch manual(Japanese) , Fryer | Shin-ya MIYAGISHIMA | smiyagis | A-314 |
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
L02 | I | Realtime PCR Machine | ROCHE LightCycler | Tatsumi HIRATA | tathirat | C-413 |
L03 | Realtime PCR Machine | Takara Thermal Cycler Dice_Real Time System TP800 | Hironori Niki, Sho Okamoto | hniki sokamoto | R-302 | |
L05 | Multi-Mode Plate Reader | Filter MAX F5 | Takayuki FUJIWARA | tkfujiwara | A-222 | |
L06 | Digital PCR system | BioRad QX200 [Attention regarding use of the ddPCR EvaGreen Supermix] | Tomoya BABA | tobaba | A-314 | |
L08 | X | Automated Drop Generator for Digital PCR | BioRad AutoDG | Tomoya BABA | tobaba | A-314 |
L07 | II | Realtime PCR Machine | BioRad CFX96 Touch | Tatsumi HIRATA | tathirat | C-516 |
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
M01 | Isothermal Titration Calorimetry | MicroCalAuto-iTC200 | Kazuhiro MAESHIMA | kmaeshim | G-109-1 |
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
N01 | I | Crystallization Plate Observation Device | Crystal Pro III | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | G-109-1 |
N02 | Fast Scanning AFM | Nano Live Vision | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | C-219 | |
D26 | I | Atomic Force Microscopy | NanoScope IIIa | Yasuto MURAYAMA | ystmurayama | C-219 |
N03 | II | FPLC | PHARMACIA Akta Explorer | Yuta Shimamoto | yuta.shimamoto | A-222 |
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
P01 | I | Xray Machine | FAXITRON TRX2800 | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-413 |
ID | class | Equipment | Model | Person in Charge | Contact Address | Location |
Z04 | II | French Press | FA078 | Kazuhiro MAESHIMA | kmaeshim | G-109-1 |
Z10 | Angle Cutter | アングルカッター | — | Y-??? | ||
Z11 | Hydraulic Lifter | 油圧リフター | — | C-1F lobby | ||
Z13 | I | Sonicator | Bioruptor II Type6 | Kuniaki SAITO | saitok | T-101 |
Z14 | I | Deep freezer | Nihon Freezer CLN-52UW | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-212 |
Z15 | I | Autoclave machine | HIRAYAMA HICLAVE HC-110 | Masato KANEMAKI | mkanemak | C-212 |
G03 | I | Ultrasonication washer | Sharp UT-205HS | Shizuka KOSHIMIZU | skoshimizu | C-109 |
Building Key | Building Name | 建物名称 |
A | Main Building | 本館 |
B | Library | 図書館 |
C | Laboratory Building C | 研究実験C棟 |
D | Lecture Hall | 講堂 |
E | Multi-purpose Building I | 多目的棟 |
F | Radiation Laboratory | 放射能実験室 |
G | Laboratory Building G | 研究実験G棟 |
H | Laboratory Building H | 研究実験H棟 |
J | Laboratory Building J | 研究実験J棟 |
K | Computer Building II | 第2電子計算機棟 |
L | Main Machine Room | 中央機械室 |
M | Computer Building I | 電子計算機棟 |
P | Computer Building III | 第3電子計算機棟 |
Q | Guest House | 研究員宿泊施設 |
R | Laboratory Building R | 研究実験R棟 |
S | Laboratory Building S | 研究実験S棟 |
T | Laboratory Building T | 研究実験T棟 |
U | Laboratory Building U | 研究実験U棟 |
V | Laboratory Building V | 研究実験V棟 |
W | Laboratory Building W | 研究実験W棟 |
X | Animal Research Building | 動物実験飼育棟 |
Y | Multi-purpose Building II | プレハブ棟 |
RY | Laboratory Building RY | 研究実験RY棟 |
last updated 2024/8/5