植物細胞遺伝研究室に所属するHarsha Somashekarさんが総合研究大学院大学(総研大)の第11回「SOKENDAI賞」を受賞しました。
SOKENDAI 賞は、特段に顕彰するに相応しい研究活動を行い、その成果を優れた学位論文にまとめて課程を修了し、学位を取得した学生を表彰するものとして、2018年度に創設されました。授賞式は2023年9月28日に学位記授与式の中で行われ、 永田学長から賞状とトロフィーが贈られました。Harshaさんは、SOKENDAI賞以外にも遺伝学コースの「森島奨励賞」を受賞しています。
▶ 学位論文タイトル:GLUCAN SYNTHASE-LIKE5 promotes anther callose deposition to maintain timely initiation and progression of meiosis in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
I embarked on a journey at NIG in 2018 with a dream – to become an independent researcher, contribute to the world of knowledge, and address real-world challenges. Today, five years later, that dream stands fulfilled. This achievement owes itself to the unwavering support and guidance I have received from NIG, my nurturing parent institute of SOKENDAI University.
NIG is an extraordinary institution. It not only imparts knowledge but also instills in its students a unique perspective for tackling real-world issues. The most valuable lesson I’ve learned here is the art of creating new knowledge and doing science in a right way. Thanks to the high-quality training programs and courses provided at NIG, I have gained invaluable knowledge and skills in conducting research.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to NIG for affording me this remarkable opportunity. I also want to recognize the immensely talented faculty members who have been my mentors and guides on this doctoral journey. Their enduring support and mentorship have been instrumental in shaping me as a researcher.