
Identification of a novel gene that increases cellulose synthesis in plants

Press release

A novel plasma membrane-anchored protein regulates xylem cell-wall deposition through microtubule-dependent lateral inhibition of Rho GTPase domains

Yuki Sugiyama, Mayumi Wakazaki, Kiminori Toyooka, Hiroo Fukuda, Yoshihisa Oda

Current Biology DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2017.06.059

Press release (In Japanese only)

Cellulose is an indispensable material in many applications for our life and industry. Cellulose is the main component of plant cell walls. However, the regulatory mechanism of cell wall synthesis is poorly understood. Our research group identified a novel gene named IQD13 that promotes cell wall synthesis in the model plant, Arabidopsis. We found that IQD13 products stabilizes microtubules that serve as a scaffold of cellulose synthesis. We also found that IQD13 increases area that are active for cell wall synthesis at the cell surface.


Figure: IQD13 prevents microtubule disruption and spread of the inhibitor of cell wall synthesis.

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