The Genetics Program offers as much support as possible for students to achieve their goal of “growing up to be a mature researcher.”
The Genetics Program has a system to employ graduate students as Research Assistants (RA) at NIG. Students receive 715,000 yen/year at the first and second year of 5-year program and 780,000 yen/year at the third year and above (excluding JSPS fellowship holders, IGP, Government-sponsored foreign students).
“Research Fellowship for Young Scientists” is a program provided by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to offer outstanding students an opportunity to concentrate on their research. If your application is accepted, you will receive the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows) as well as monthly stipend.
Recent NIG Data for JSPS fellowships
Research Fellowships for Young Scientists:
The SOKENDAI Special Researcher Program (Pioneering Research type) is designed to foster human resources who will be responsible for the future of science, technology, and innovation in Japan. SOKENDAI students who are independently conducting original and challenging research that is not bound by the framework of existing research fields, departments, schools or other organizations will be appointed as Special Researchers and will be provided with research incentive and research expenses.
See here for more detail:
Students, who have financial difficulties and an outstanding academic record, may be exempted from their registration and tuition fees (half or whole amount). They need to apply for the exemption and pass screening.
Tuition Exemption:
Please contact Academic Services Division, Genetics Program:
The NIG dormitories are available for students.
The Genetics Program offers travel support for students who attend and give a presentation at an international meetings. SOKENDAI offers programs to support students who perform collaborative study or participate in an internship program abroad for longer than 2 weeks.
International Travel Support (Genetics Program):
・conference reports from the past recipients
SOKENDAI Student Dispatch Program
NIG offers subsidies for students who are allowed to participate in the specified well-known education courses for the course fee and travel expenses.
・Reports from the past recipients
The Morishima Award is given to students who receive a doctoral degree with outstanding performance in the Genetics Program, SOKENDAI. The students will be granted a certificate and an incentive in order to reward them for their outstanding research and to encourage further achievement.
There are also some awards given by SOKENDAI.
Nagakura Research Incentive Award and The SOKENDAI Research Award (Discontinued : Past Award Winners)
SOKENDAI Scientist Award / SOKENDAI Future Scientist Award (Discontinued : Past Award Winners)
Hiroko Morishima Progress Award is given at the Genetics Progress Poster Presentations to students who eagerly make an effort in research, in order to rouse students for further achievements
The Genetics Program and NIG support graduate students and postdocs to develop their individual career.
See here for more detail: Support for Career Development
Students are eligible for supplemental funding for research activities. Such funds are allocated and announced on a year-by-year basis. All international graduate students are provided with free Japanese lessons (usually two hours/month). English is the working language for education and research at the Genetics Program/NIG but some knowledge of basic Japanese will be useful in daily life.