
Mudi•‘one-click’ identification of causative on web.

Genome Informatics Laboratory • Nakamura Group Division of Cytogenetics • Kobayashi Group

Mudi, a web tool for identifying mutations by bioinformatics analysis of whole-genome sequence.

Naoko Iida, Fumiaki Yamao, Yasukazu Nakamura, and Tetsushi Iida Genes to Cells 28 APR 2014 DOI:10.1111/gtc.12151

Genetics is a powerful approach to discovery of the molecular mechanisms underlying biological phenomena. However, experiments for identification of mutations by classical genetics is a time-consuming and laborious process. Modern whole-genome sequencing, coupled with bioinformatics analysis, has enabled fast and cost-effective mutation identification. However, for many experimental researchers, bioinformatics analysis is still a difficult aspect of whole-genome sequencing. To address this issue, we developed a browser-accessible and easy-to-use bioinformatics tool called Mutation discovery (Mudi; http://naoii.nig.ac.jp/mudi_top.html). Users can run Mudi analysis with ‘one-click’ operation in a web browser after uploading genome resequencing data. Mudi simplifies analysis of whole-genome sequencing and thereby expands the possibilities for systematic forward-genetic approaches in various organisms.


Workflow of “Mudi” system. Genomic DNA is prepared from pooled mutants by pooled-linkage analysis. Mudi calls prioritized mutation candidates by bioinformatics analysis using genome-resequencing data.

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