▶ Lab HP
Our group aims to infer the molecular-level history of complex life, based on molecular phylogenetic approaches to evolutionarily dissecting biodiversity with increasing knowledge of cellular events from genome-wide profiling. We mainly focus on vertebrates including elusive wild species with unique phenotypes. Our interests are categorized into these themes.
1) Elucidating the evolutionary history of genomes by cross-species comparisons
2) Decoding genome evolution mechanisms taking cellular events into account
3) Improving genome-wide data acquisition and analysis methods
Kryukov K, Nakahama N and Kuraku S. Genome assembly catalog for species in the Japanese Red List: unlocking endangered biodiversity through genomic inventory. F1000Res. 2024, Jun; 13:583
Kuraku S. Enigmatic Nodal and Lefty gene repertoire discrepancy: Latent evolutionary history revealed by vertebrate-wide phylogeny. Dev Dyn. 2024 Apr; in press.
Kuraku, S., Sato, M., Yoshida, K. Uno Y. Genomic reconsideration of fish non-monophyly: why cannot we simply call them all ‘fish’?. Ichthyol Res 2024,Jan; 71:1–12.
Sato M, Fukuda K, Kadota M, Makino-Itou H, Tatsumi K, Yamauchi S, Kuraku S. Chromosomal DNA sequences of the Pacific saury genome: versatile resources for fishery science and comparative biology. DNA Res. 2024 Apr; 31:2.