Iwasato Group • Laboratory of Mammalian Neural Circuits

Neuronal circuit development and function in the mouse brain




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Research Summary

To understand development of complex yet sophisticated neuronal circuits underlying higher brain function of mammals, integrative studies which cover from molecules to whole animals are indispensable. By using a wide range of techniques, such as mouse genetics, molecular biology, in utero electroporation, histology and two-photon in vivo imaging, we are studying mechanisms of development and function of mammalian neuronal circuits. In particular, we are interested in activity-dependent circuit development during postnatal stages.

(Left) The barrel map is visualized by generating thalamocortical axon (TCA)-GFP transgenic mouse.
(Right) A single layer 4 neuron is labeled by Supernova-RFP and dendritic refinement is analyzed by long-term in vivo two-photon imaging in neonates.

Selected Publications

Nakagawa N, Iwasato T. Golgi polarity shift instructs dendritic refinement in the neonatal cortex by mediating NMDA receptor signaling. Cell Rep. 2023 Aug 29;42(8):112843.

Nakazawa S, Yoshimura Y, Takagi M, Mizuno H, Iwasato T. Developmental Phase Transitions in Spatial Organization of Spontaneous Activity in Postnatal Barrel Cortex Layer 4. J Neurosci. 2020 Sep 30;40(40):7637-7650.

Nakazawa S, Mizuno H, Iwasato T. Differential dynamics of cortical neuron dendritic trees revealed by long-term in vivo imaging in neonates. Nat Commun. 2018 Aug 6;9(1):3106.

Mizuno H, Ikezoe K, Nakazawa S, Sato T, Kitamura K, Iwasato T. Patchwork-Type Spontaneous Activity in Neonatal Barrel Cortex Layer 4 Transmitted via Thalamocortical Projections. Cell Rep. 2018 Jan 2;22(1):123-135.

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