Hirata Group • Brain Function Laboratory

Approaching brain function through studying development of nervous systems


HIRATA, Tatsumi



KAWASAKI, Takahiko

Assistant Professor


ZHU, Yan

Assistant Professor


Research Summary

The brain circuitry is made up of an enormous number of neurons. It is constructed by sequential developmental steps, involving neuronal differentiation, migration, axon guidance, and synaptogensis. The resulting wiring patterns determine the characteristics of animals’ behavior and mental activities. Although the brain maintains a certain degree of plasticity, the core element is almost fixed and non-rewireable after the completion. We focus on this rigid feature of the brain by attempting to reveal the rules of neural development and to understand how the wiring design shapes brain function.

We developed the neurogenic tagging method that assigns CreER-loxP recombination to neuron subsets that are born at a different developmental timing. To encourage the use of this method, “NeuroGT database”, a brain atlas of neurogenic tagging mouse lines, is open to public, offering people the opportunity to find specific neurogenic tagging CreER driver mice and the stages of tagging appropriate for their own research purposes. This open science resource can benefit various future research.

Selected Publications

Hirata T, Tohsato Y, Itoga H, Shioi G, Kiyonari H, Oka S, Fujimori T, Onami S. NeuroGT: A brain atlas of neurogenic tagging CreER drivers for birthdate-based classification and manipulation of mouse neurons. Cell Reports Methods. 2021 May 25; 1(3):100012.

Zhu Y, Hirata T, Mackay F, Murakami F. Chemokine receptor CXCR7 non-cellautonomously controls pontine neuronal migration and nucleus formation. Sci Rep. 2020 Jul 16;10(1):11830.

Hatanaka Y, Hirata T. How Do Cortical Excitatory Neurons Terminate Their Migration at the Right Place? Critical Roles of Environmental Elements. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020 Oct 23;8:596708.

Hirata T, Shioi G, Abe T, Kiyonari H, Kato S, Kobayashi K, Mori K, Kawasaki T. A Novel Birthdate-Labeling Method Reveals Segregated Parallel Projections of Mitral and External Tufted Cells in the Main Olfactory System. eNeuro. 2019 Nov 20;6(6):ENEURO.0234-19.2019.

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