Saito Group • Invertebrate Genetics Laboratory

The mechanisms of transposon regulation in Drosophila


SAITO, Kuniaki


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Assistant Professor

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Research Summary

Various regulatory mechanisms are known to work in the process of gene expression, in which a genetic information is transcribed from DNA to RNA and then translated into protein. Multicellular organisms including humans can adequately respond environmental change and achieve development and differentiation through various regulatory mechanisms. Our laboratory focuses on the regulatory mechanisms of gene expression and their physiological functions at the molecular level. To understand them, we are engaged in studying the epitranscriptome, piRNA pathways, chromatin regulation using biochemical and high-throughput technologies, and genetic tools which are managed and distributed by genetic resources project (NIG-Fly).

(A) Schematic representation of piRNA-mediated TE silencing system in Drosophila. (B) Piwi (Green) is expressed in ovarian somatic cells and Vasa-positve (Red) germ cells. (C) Fly strains we are maintaining and providing under the National Bioresource Project.

Selected Publications

Yamamoto-Matsuda H, Miyoshi K, Moritoh M, Yoshitane H, Fukada Y, Saito K, Yamanaka S, Siomi MC. Lint-O cooperates with L(3)mbt in target gene suppression to maintain homeostasis in fly ovary and brain. EMBO Reports 23: e53813 (2022)

Takeuchi C, Yokoshi M, Kondo S, Shibuya A, Saito K, Fukaya T, Siomi H, Iwasaki YW. Mod(mdg4) variants repress telomeric retrotransposon HeT-A by blocking subtelomeric enhancers. Nucleic Acids Res. 50(20):11580-11599 (2022)

Nagata R, Akai N, Kondo S, Saito K, Ohsawa S, Igaki T. Yorkie drives supercompetition by non-autonomous induction of autophagy via bantam microRNA in Drosophila. Curr Biology, 32(5)1064-1076 (2022)

Ichiyanagi K, Saito K. The fifth Japanese meeting on biological function and evolution through interactions between hosts and transposable elements. Mobile DNA 13(1) 3-3 (2022)

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