
Springer protocol “Zebrafish” (3rd edition) has been published.

Kawakami Group / Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology

Zebrafish: Methods and Protocols (Third edition)

James F. Amatruda, Corinne Houart, Koichi Kawakami, Kenneth D. Poss

Methods in Molecular Biology (2023) 2707

The third edition of the zebrafish book is divided into four sections, reflecting the latest developments in zebrafish research. In Part 1, “Disease Models,” methods for modeling various human diseases using zebrafish are described. Part 2, “Neuroscience,” highlights the crucial role of fish models in the study of the vertebrate nervous system. Part 3, “Regeneration,” introduces tools and approaches using zebrafish to study stem cells and regenerative biology, which are increasingly important for human health. Part 4, “Genetics and Genomics,” details essential genetic and genomic methodologies for zebrafish research. From the Kawakami Laboratory, the following chapters were published:

Capter11: Pradeep Lal, Hideyuki Tanabe, and Koichi Kawakami. Genetic identification of neural circuits essential for active avoidance fear conditioning in adult zebrafish. Chapter 17: Kazuhide Asakawa, Hiroshi Handa, and Koichi Kawakami. In vivo optogenic phase transition of an intrinsically disordered protein. Chapter 20: Tomoya Shiraki and Koichi Kawakami. Generation of transgenic fish harboring CRISPR/Cas9-mediated somatic mutations via a tRNA-based multiplex sgRNA expression

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