
Glia-neuron interactions underlie state transitions to generalized seizures

Press release

Glia-neuron interactions underlie state transitions to generalized seizures

Carmen Diaz-Verdugo, Sverre Myren-Svelstad, Ecem Aydin, Evelien van Hoeymissen, Celine Deneubourg, Silke Vanderhaeghe, Julie Vancraeynest, Robbrecht Pelgrims, Mehmet LLyas Cosacak, Akira Muto, Caghan Kizil, Koichi Kawakami6, Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi & Emre Yaksi

Nature Communications 10, Article number: 3830 (2019) DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-11739-z

Press release (In Japanese only)

Brain activity and connectivity alters drastically during the generalization of epileptic seizures. Throughout this transition, brain networks shift from a balanced resting state to a hyperactive and hypersynchronous state, spreading across the brain. It is however less clear which mechanisms underlie these state transitions. By studying neuronal and glia activity across the zebrafish brain, we observed striking differences between these networks. During pre-ictal period, neurons displayed a small increase in synchronous activity only locally, while the entire glial network was highly active and strongly synchronized across large distances. We observed that the transition from a pre-ictal state to a generalized seizure leads to an abrupt increase in neural activity and connectivity, which is accompanied by a strong functional coupling between glial and neuronal networks. Optogenetic activation of glia induced strong and transient burst of neuronal activity, emphasizing a potential role for glia-neuron connections in the generalization of epileptic seizures.

Sourse: Nature Communications 10, Article number: 3830 (2019)


Fig: An image of the brain of the GFAP:Gal4;UAS:GCaMP6s;jRCaMP1a fish.

▶This study is based on the previous study.

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