Scientific Writing

updated date : 19, June 2019

Course title Credit and Period:

Scientific Writing  1 Credit   all year


Recommended grade

1st year to 2nd year students



This e-learning course explores a new methodology for considering writing from the most relevant perspective, that of readers. With this approach, you will not bother with learning how to increase the appearance of elegance or the mere sound of power; instead you will learn to predict how most readers will go about the act of interpreting your prose. Research in many fields has demonstrated that readers of English derive most of their clues for interpretation not from individual words in isolation but from the structural locations of those words in sentences, paragraphs, and documents. Coming to know consciously as a writer that which native speakers of English know intuitively as readers will give you greater and more consistent control over your written communication in English.



To learn various methods for writing papers in English


Grading criteria:

Attendance and term reports The grading of this course is either P(Pass) or F(Failure). A report should summarize what you learned from the lecture.


Lecture plan:

1. Basic Grammer
2. Paragraph structure






Japanese or English


Course Coordinator:

INNAN Hideki (Department of Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems)

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