
Transient and lineage-restricted requirement of Ebf3 for sternum ossification

Transient and lineage-restricted requirement of Ebf3 for sternum ossification

Mao Kuriki, Fuminori Sato, Hiroyuki N Arai, Maina Sogabe, Mari Kaneko, Hiroshi Kiyonari, Koichi Kawakami, Yuki Yoshimoto, Chisa Shukunami, Atsuko Sehara-Fujisawa

Development 147, dev186239 (2020). DOI:10.1242/dev.186239

Osteoblasts arise from bone-surrounding connective tissue containing tenocytes and fibroblasts. Lineages of these cell populations and mechanisms of their differentiation are not well understood. Screening enhancer-trap lines of zebrafish allowed us to identify Ebf3 as a transcription factor marking tenocytes and connective tissue cells in skeletal muscle of embryos. Knockout of Ebf3 in mice had no effect on chondrogenesis but led to sternum ossification defects as a result of defective generation of Runx2+ pre-osteoblasts. Conditional and temporal Ebf3 knockout mice revealed requirements of Ebf3 in the lateral plate mesenchyme cells (LPMs), especially in tendon/muscle connective tissue cells, and a stage-specific Ebf3 requirement at embryonic day 9.5-10.5. Upregulated expression of connective tissue markers, such as Egr1/2 and Osr1, increased number of Islet1+ mesenchyme cells, and downregulation of gene expression of the Runx2 regulator Shox2 in Ebf3-deleted thoracic LPMs suggest crucial roles of Ebf3 in the onset of lateral plate mesoderm differentiation towards osteoblasts forming sternum tissues.

This study was conducted as collaboration with Professor Atsuko Sehara Laboratory at Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University. This study was partly supported by NBRP.


Figure1: Expression of GFP (Gal4) in tenocytes and muscle connective tissues in the zebrafish ebf3 gene trap line (48 and 60 hours post fertilization).


Figure2: A role of Ebf3 in pre-osteoblast formation.

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