Courses at the Genetics Program

Recommended Courses

Main subjects that all students at the Genetics Program should cover

Course NameScheduleCreditPlace
Molecular and Cellular Biology1,2Not offered in 20241 each
Evolutionary GenomicsOctober-March1
Developmental Biology 1,2 October-March1

Comprehensive Subjects

Course NameScheduleCreditPlace
Sokendai Freshman Course each semester2Hayama
Life Science Retreat I-VOctober-March1
International InternshipAll-year1
Cooperative Education through Research InternshipAll-year1

Lab courses

Semi-compulsory subjects

Course NameScheduleCreditPlace
Dissertation Work in Advanced Studies I(A,B)-V(A,B)each semester2
Genetics Reading Seminar I(A,B)-V(A,B)each semester2

Journal Clubs

Genetics Progress Report

Semi-compulsory subjects

Course NameScheduleCreditPlace
 Outline of Genetics Progress
Genetics Progress IAeach semester2
Genetics Progress IBeach semester2
Genetics Progress IIAeach semester2
Genetics Progress IIBeach semester2
Genetics Progress IIIAeach semester2
Genetics Progress IIIBeach semester2
Genetics Progress IVAeach semester2
Genetics Progress IVBeach semester2
Genetics Progress VAeach semester2
Genetics Progress VBeach semester2

Progress Poster Presentation

Scientific Presentation/ Scientific Seminar

Course NameScheduleCreditPlace
Oral Scientific Communication 1 All-year2
Oral Scientific Communication 2All-year1
Fundamentals of Scientific WritingOctober-March1
Genetics Seminar I~VAll-year1

Cross-curricular courses (remote courses, etc.)

Course NameScheduleCreditPlace
BioinfomaticsNot offered in 20241NIBB
Brain science e-learningAll-year1
Basic physiological and anatomical brain scienceApril-September1NIPS
Principle and Methodology in Brain ScienceApril-September1NIPS
Molecular and Cellular Physiology 1, 2Not offered in 20241NIPS
Regulation of Biological Function 1, 2April-September1NIPS
Fundamental Neuroscience 1, 2Not offered in 20241NIPS
System Neuroscience 1, 2October-March1NIPS
Special Lectures in Physiological Sciences 1, 2All-year1NIPS

Supplemental Courses

No credit / Japanese / For gaining fundamental knowledge

Course NameScheduleCreditPlace
Molecular and Cellar BiologyOn DemandN/A
Developmental BiologyOn DemandN/A
Introduction to Bioinformaticseach semester
On Demand

Refer to the SOKENDAI Syllabus for subjects in other programs.


Course rules

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