Suranjana Sikdar

I am honored to recount my remarkable experience at NIG and in Japan. The six-week duration spent in Mishima and its surrounding areas in Japan was a remarkable experience that evoked a strong inclination to remain in this amazing country, characterized by its stunning landscapes and the genuine humility of its people. My experience in the laboratory setting at the National Institute of Genetics (NIG) and the captivating cultural landscape of Japan, characterized by its exquisite cuisine and rich diversity, provided me with valuable insights and knowledge.

During my tenure as an intern student at the Genome Diversity Lab, I had the privilege of working under the guidance and supervision of Professor Hiroshi Mori. The focus of my research effort centered on the microbial community analysis of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, employing the DADA2 methodology. I acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct microbial community analysis of various environments and subsequently compare their taxonomical diversity. I express deep gratitude towards Mori sensei for always providing guidance and imparting comprehensive knowledge of the underlying mechanism of NGS, Shotgun sequencing, and metagenomics. My colleagues in the laboratory provided invaluable assistance and support to me over the course of six weeks, offering guidance and mentorship akin to that given to a novice. I acquired knowledge in bioinformatics, which enhanced my familiarity with R programming. This experience was quite impressive to me. The working environment provided a sense of relaxation, and the individuals in other laboratories were notably supportive and helpful. I established numerous social connections during my time at that location.

During the aforementioned six-week period in Japan, I had the opportunity to visit many cities including Tokyo, Yokohama, Kyoto, Osaka, and Mishima. Each of the locations exhibited remarkable beauty. There were numerous shrines and vending machines in every railway station and virtually everywhere else. I found Tokyo and Yokohama to exhibit certain similarities. Cities across the globe, such as the bustling metropolis of Tokyo and the tranquil locale of Mishima, exhibit distinct atmospheres and cultural characteristics. Among all the cities, Mishima stood out as my preferred choice. When it comes to food, I've tried several traditional foods including soba noodles, mocha, ramen, traditional Japanese ice cream, skewers, and of course sushi. Japan's stunning natural landscapes and captivating coastal allure enchanted my heart, leading to a profound affection for the country.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to NIG and my professor for this fantastic opportunity. For me, this six weeks in Japan would be a lifetime memory of fun, laughter, love, and pleasure. This apprenticeship has opened the door to greater opportunities and shaped me towards my long-term objective.
