Oral Scientific Communication 1 (遺伝学科学英語口頭演習 1)

The "NIG Method" for Scientific Presentation 2024

Course material of each session can be viewed by clicking the session title.

dates Title
4/22-25 What is scientific presentation?
download excerpt of week1 contents
5/7-9 How to convey your message
5/13-16 Summarizing & Choosing title
5/20-23 Asking questions
download tips for Q&A English Japanese
5/27-30 Asking questions cont'd
6/3-6 Answering questions
6/10-13 Answering questions cont'd
6/24-27 Easy to follow story with "flow" and "focus"
7/1-4 Emphasizing key ideas
7/8-11 Speaking techniques for maximum comprehension
download examples of common mispronunciations seen in native speakers of Japanese (in Japanese)
日本人が間違えやすい例文集 [pdf]
音声の動画ファイル (movie file) [58MB zip file]
9/9-12 Describing graphs
9/24-26 Describing shapes and images
9/30-10/3 Clarity in scientific explanations
10/15-17 Constructive scientific dialogue
10/21-24 Critiquing presentations
10/28-31 Units 16 and 18 Conclusions and Introductions
11/11-14 Conclusions with provided data
11/18-21 Introductions with provided data
12/2-5 Full presentation with provided data
2025/1/20-23 Effective presentations slides and poster composition
1/27-2/28 Final individual research presentations

course organizer: HIRATA Tatsumi <tathirat[at]nig.ac.jp>
instructor: GOHMARU Taji <gohmaru[at]nig.ac.jp> ; office: A125 (ext. 5874)

course objectives, prerequisites and grades

Oral Scientific Communication 2

Courses and workshops on scientific presentation

last updated 240307