NIG Intern Report 2012

[Regular] Research Presentation, July 11th 2012

13:30 - 13:32 Opening remarks, Emiko Suzuki
13:32 - 13:47 Ankita Jha, Sawa Lab
13:48 - 14:03 Purnima Padmanabhan, Hiromi Lab
14:04 - 14:19 Srijit Nair, Maeshima Lab
14:20 - 14:35 Tulika Sharma, Kanemaki Lab
14:36 - 14:46 Self introduction by 5 students who came to NIG after the end of May
(Lara cassidy and NTU students)
14:47 - 14:55 Closing remarks and presentation of certificates,
     Professor Yuji Kohara,
     Director General, National Institute of Genetics
     Chair of the Department of Genetics
14:56- photo session

[NIGINTERN-NTU]JASSO Short Stay Program Research Presentation, August 22th 2012

13:30 - 13:32 Opening remarks, Koichi Kawakami
13:32 - 13:47 Lara Cassidy, Kitano Lab
13:48 - 14:03 Yu-San Yang, Koide Lab
14:04 - 14:19 Shang-Hao Wu, Akashi Lab
14:20 - 14:35 Tai-Yi Wu, Miyagishima Lab
14:36 - 14:51 Yi-Yuan Lee, Inoue Lab
14:52 - 15:00 Closing remarks and presentation of certificates,
     Professor Yuji Kohara,
     Director General, National Institute of Genetics
     Chair of the Department of Genetics
15:00- photo session

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