Department Plant Evolution Laboratory
Job Associate Professor
Degree Ph.D. (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
Education Department of Plant Science, School of Agriculture, Tokai University
Department of Basic Biology, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI
Contact kenji.fukushima@nig.ac.jp


Evolution has led to remarkable innovations in the structures and functions of organisms, sometimes reaching levels that seem almost unbelievable. Our research aims to demystify these evolutionary marvels. We integrate computational and experimental approaches to study a wide range of organisms, particularly focusing on plants. Our primary interest lies in insect-trapping carnivorous plants, which derive nutrients from their captured prey. By studying these unique plants, our research enhances understanding of key concepts in evolutionary biology, including convergent evolution, co-option, drastic morphological changes, phenotypic plasticity, biological interactions, and whole-genome duplication.