Developmental Biology III

October 28, 2011

Asymmetric division

Rhyu MS, Jan L, Jan YN
Asymmetric distribution of numb protein during division of the sensory organ precursor cell confers distinct fates to daughter cells.
Cell 76: 477-491, 1994

This is the first class of this year's Developmental biology course. We will start with one of the most important topics in developmental biology: Asymmetric Division.

A piece of advice on how to read this paper

This paper deals with the development of a sensory organ, i.e. hair on the fly body. Although you may not be familiar about development of such a minute organ, do not worry about the developmental stages (embryo vs. adult), specific cell names (i.e. IIa, IIb, socket, sheath , etc.), or their morphology. Consider this organ as a model system for studying a cell division that creates daughter cells with different fates (characters).

Usually one starts reading a paper from the Summary. For this paper, I recommend you to skip the Summary and start reading the Introduction part. That way you will be able to grasp the "big picture" more easily. The Results section may be a bit difficult to read for those of you who are not familiar with the experimental system. If you get lost, skip the Results section and jump to the Discussion section.




この論文で扱っているのは,感覚器官であるショウジョウバエの毛の発生です.みなさんこんな微小な器官のことは考えたことはなかったかもしれませんが,発生段階の違い(胚と成虫),細胞の名前(IIa, IIb, socket, sheath など)や形態などのことは気にしなくて大丈夫です.「異なる運命 (性質) を持つ嬢細胞を産み出す細胞分裂」を研究するモデル系と考えてください.

論文を読むときにはSummaryから読み始めるのが普通ですね.でもこの論文の場合,Summaryは飛ばしてIntroductionから読み始めることをお勧めします.その方が "big picture" を捉えやすいでしょう.それから,実験系をよく知らない人間にはこの論文のResultsセクションは読みにくいかもしれません.もし挫折したら,Resultsは飛ばしてDiscussionを読んでください