Oral Scientific Communication IIa/IIb Syllabus
科学英語口頭演習 IIa, IIb シラバス

お知らせ/Notice (April 14, 2015)

Course objectives:
The goal of this course is to develop the skills to comprehend scientific seminars and discuss the contents in English.

Note that this course can be taken either before, after or together with taking Oral Scientific Communication I (科学英語口頭演習T)

This course uses seminars (Biological Symposium) conducted at NIG as a course material. Specific seminars will be designated in advance, and students must first attend the seminar as a regular participant. Class will meet right after the seminar, and discuss the contents of the seminar to develop a better understanding of the presentation. The course addresses issues concerning both science and English.

Course organizer:
Tatsumi HIRATA <tathirat(at)nig.ac.jp>
055-981-6721, Dvision of Brain Function Rm. C518

Schedule:Irregular. To be announced each time in advance.

Place: To be announced.

Appropriate grade level and Eligible Departments: (x) 1, (x) 2, (x) 3, (x) 4, (x) 5:
(x ) School of Life Science, ( ) All Departments,( ) Other

One credits can be obtained by taking four seminars and the following discussion sessions each for “Oral Scientific Communication IIa or IIb (科学英語口頭演習IIa あるいはIIb).

Grades will be determined based on attendance and participation in seminars and discussion sessions, and reports submitted after each session.





科学英語口頭演習II(Oral Scientific Communication II)は、これまでEnglish for Scientists Iの応用発展コースとして運用してきましたが、今年度から内容を刷新して英語による科学セミナーを「理解する」ためのコースに生まれ変わります。


科学英語口頭演習IIでは、Biological Symposium(英語セミナー)を材料に用いて、セミナーを理解して楽しむための演習を行ないます。該当するBiological Symposiumをメールで指定しますので、受講生にはこのセミナーに通常の参加者として出席してもらいます。セミナー後に受講生で集まって議論することで、セミナー内容についての疑問を解消し理解を深めます。日本語で議論する初歩的演習4回と、英語で議論する中級演習4回を開講する予定です。そのうちの4回受講で1単位を取得できます。



Oral Scientific Communication II, which had been held as an advanced course of EfS I, is completely revised this year and renewed as an elementary course to help students to “understand” scientific seminars given in English.

Scientific seminars are a very important source of information for scientists. Attending seminars stimulates our scientific mind, helps create new brilliant ideas, and sometimes deeply influences our future directions. However, some students seem to find difficulty in fully comprehending the contents of scientific seminars. In case of non-native English speakers language barrier may perturb efficient understanding. Deeper knowledge about science may sometimes be required to interpret real scientific data.

Oral Scientific Communication II will provide opportunities for students to prepare for scientific seminars given in English. This course uses Biological Symposium (English seminars) as a course material. Specific seminars will be announced in advance by e-mail, and students must first attend the seminar as a regular participant. Class will meet right after the seminar, and discuss the contents of the seminar to develop a better understanding of the presentation.

Throughout the year, we will conduct four elementary sessions in which class discussion is held in Japanese and four intermediate-level sessions in which class discussion is held in English. Students can gain one credit by attending any four sessions.

Oral Scientific Communication II can be taken either before, after or together with Oral Scientific Communication I. People can also attend sessions without registering for the course.

Tatsumi Hirata


last updated 150415