English for Scientists (2010) Syllabus
遺伝学英語口頭表現演習 (2010) シラバス

Course objectives:
The ultimate goal of this course is to develop the skills to effectively discuss and present scientific materials in English. To achieve this goal, students will first learn the principles and key strategies of scientific presentation by taking English for Scientists I . In the following years they will put the strategies into practice by taking English for Scientists II.

No prerequisites for SOKENDAI students. To apply, send an E-mail to the course organizer or the instructor, indicated below. To take English for Scientists II, you must have successfully completed English for Scientists 2009.

A researcher has to do many kinds of scientific presentations. You may have to lecture an introductory biology course to 500 students, give a talk to a diverse audience at a NIG open house, or speak to an equally diverse but highly professional audience in Stockholm. This course will not necessarily offer specific advice for these kinds of talks. Rather, it is designed to help you present your D2 Progress Report, make a presentation at a scientific conference, or give a job seminar --- and do so in a style so that the audience will regard you as a wonderful researcher worthy of advancement to D3, will seek collaboration and advise, and will offer you a job.

Students who are new to the course should take English for Scientists I.

English for Scientists II is for students who have successfully completed the English for Scientists 2009 course.  Compared to the first-year course (English for Scientists I), this follow-up course includes greater speaking and practice time, and also a little more homework assignements. The total number of classes, however, are fewer, and homeworks are always accompanied by sufficient time between classes for completing the assignments.

Cource organizer: Tatsumi HIRATA <tathirat(at)lab.nig.ac.jp> Instructor: Todd Gorman <gsteven(at)lab.nig.ac.jp>

Schedule: See the following web sites for the general schedule.

English for Scientists I

English for Scientists II

Place: National Institute of Genetics, A124

Appropriate grade level and Eligible Departments: (x) 1, (x) 2, (x) 3, (x) 4, (x) 5:
(x ) School of Life Science, ( ) All Departments,( ) Other

Grades will be based on attendance and evaluation by the instructor.



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