<Guide to 2nd year graduate student writing report on his/her progress>

You are requested to submit your progress report, written either in English or in Japanese, to the administration office by addressed deadline. Please prepare your report according to the following instructions.

Progress Report IIB should be submitted as Word (text only) and PDF (text and figure) electronic files. The suggested length of the report is 10 pages. Difficult technical terms should be defined so that your report can be understood by people outside of your research field.

Progress Report should be arranged as follows:(1) Title page, (2) Summary, (3) Introduction, (4) Materials and Methods, (5) Results, (6) Discussion, (7) Acknowledgment, (8) Literatures Cited, and (9) Appendix if any.

(1)The title page should include title, your name, your student ID, name of this Department, and submission date.

(2)Summary (要約)should be concise description of your research results.

  • 500 words ± 10% (in English).
  • Introduction, objective, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions should be clearly described.
  • Single or several paragraphs without headings.
  • No references. If necessary, enough information should be described at the end of the text.
  • Abbreviations. They should be spelled out when they first appear.
  • Use “I” as a subject (if the research has been done by a single author).
  • 12 points, Times New Roman; 1.5 line space.

(3)Introduction (序論)section should summarize what was previously established in your research field, and define the problem you would like to address. Then list the specific aims of your research project.

(4)Materials and Methods (材料と方法)section should describe materials you used and technical approaches you employed.

(5) Results (結果)section should include the results you obtained. Describe the technical difficulties encountered, and how you handled the problem.

(6)Discussion (討論)section should present interpretation of the results, and suggest what they might mean in a wider context. You should make a clear distinction between solid conclusions based on your results and published literature, and what are speculative. List your future plans for the project.

(7)Acknowledgments(謝辞) may include acknowledgments to people who helped you to conduct your research. 

(8)You should cite all publications (journal papers, books, book chapters, meeting proceedings, or webpages) you referred in your report in Literatures Cited (引用文献)section.  There is no fixed style for citing each material.

(9)You may add Appendix (付録)at the end of this report.  This is optional.  Appendix may include very detailed list of your result or some technical details.

You may insert tables and/or figures either in Introduction, Results, Discussion, or Appendix. Tables and Figures should be numbered according to their appearance in the text.