シラバス (Syllabus)

生命科学論文演習I-VA, I-VB (Life Science Reading Seminars I-VA, I-VB)

===== Japanese Version =====

1. 授業科目と単位:生命科学論文演習I-VA, I-VB
      ( )講義 (x)演習 ( )実習  各2単位

2. 履修対象者:(x)D1,(x) D2, (x)D3, (x)D4, (x)D5:





各論文演習によって異なる(予定一覧*に掲載されている各演習の世話人に連絡すること)。 また、総合研究大学院大学に、生命科学研究科共通専門科目のひとつである生命科学論文演習I-VAとI-VBの履修届を出しておく必要がある。



 (1) 科学論文あるいは教科書に記述されている内容を読み取ること
 (2) 論文の著者の主張が、論文に提示した根拠あるいはすでに学会で認められている知見から正当なものであるかどうかを判断すること
 (3) 科学論文あるいは教科書に記述されている内容と論理に関して、出席者間での議論に参加し、個々の議論についての論理性、正当性を判断でき、正当な主張が出来るようになること





===== English Version =====


Life Science Reading Seminars I-VA, I-VB

1.Course Title, style, and credit: Life Science Reading Seminars I-VA, I-VB
( )Lecture, (x) Discussions ( )Practice 2 credits

2.Appropriate grade level and Eligible Departments: (x)1, (x)2, (x)3, (x)4, (x)5:
(x) Other ( Department of Genetics Only )

3.Responsible Faculty: a faculty of Jounal club which you'll join(refer to seminar list*)

*Grade of this subject is given for just one jounal club.If you want to take some jounal club, please indicate it with a "○".
*When you take this subject, you need to write a faculty name who is in charge of it in a colum"Name of teacher" on " Course Registration Form".

4.Time: Depend on seminar (refer to seminar list*)

5.Place: Depend on seminar (refer to seminar list*)

6.Prerequisites and Styles:
Depend on seminar (please contact organizing faculty of each seminar shown in seminar list*). To obtain credits for Life Science Reading Seminar, students should submit an Application for Course Registration to SOKENDAI. The course title for this lecture is [Life Science Reading Seminars I-VA and I-VB].

To master techniques to read scientific papers or textbooks on specialized areas through this seminar for obtaining inclusive knowledge of particular area and directions of current life sciences

8.Course objectives:
 1. To understand contents of scientific papers or textbooks
 2. To judge whether claim of author is reasonable or not based on evidence presented in paper or knowledge already acknowledged in this research field
 3. To participate in discussions among seminar attendants on content and logic of scientific paper or textbook, and to present appropriate opinion as well as to be able to judge logics and properness of each discussion,

9.Schedule: (Oral)
Depend on seminar (refer to seminar list*)

10.Lecture materials and readings;
Depend on seminar (please contact organizing faculty of each seminar shown in seminar list*)

To obtain credit students must participate in at least one of the journal clubs listed in the seminar list*, and achieve at least two of the course objectives. Grades (A,B,C,D) will be determined by one member of the organizing faculty based on the student's attendance, presentation and discussion.
Students get total of four credits, two credits for each semester when you obtain grades(A,B,C).

12.Notes:Please refer to *seminar list in http://www.nig.ac.jp/jimu/soken/courses/Jclub2015.pdf#page=2. Life Science Reading Seminars I-VA and I-VB should be taken during D1 to D5, in summer semester and winter semester, respectively.

更新日=2015年 4月24日