シラバス (Syllabus)

生命科学プログレスIII A,B   Life Science Progress Report IIIA and IIIB

===== Japanese Version =====

1.        授業科目と単位生命科学プログレスIIIA, IIIB

( )講義 (x)演習 ( )実習 x2単位


2.        修対象( )D1、( )D2、(x)D3、( )D4、( )D5


















ポスター発表会では,各学生が,委員および参加教員,研究員などに対してポスター(一部パワーポイント等を含む)を用いて, 研究の進捗や問題点と今後の研究計画について説明を行う。
















学生は、入学時期(や休学などの学業進行状況)に応じて,生命科学プログレスIIIA, 生命科学プログレスIIIBの順で履修し、生命科学プログレスIIIAにおいてプログレス個人面談を、生命科学プログレスIIIBにおいてポスター発表会を実施する。その他のプログレスに関する意見交換は,必要に応じてプログレス委員との間で随時実施する。プログレス発表会は1年に最低1回開催する









===== English Version =====


Life Science Progress Report IIIA and IIIB

1.Course Title, style, and credit: Life Science Progress Report IIIA and IIIB
( )lecture, (x) Discussions ( )practice    2 credits each/ 4 credits total
2.Appropriate grade level and Eligible Departments:
( )1, ( )2, (x)3, ( )4, ( )5:
(x)Other (Department of Genetics Only)
3.Responsible Faculty: Chair of Progress committee

  Progress Report interview as the Progress Report IIIA will be held from June to July for students who entered SOKENDAI in April and from December to January for students who entered SOKENDAI in October, via discussion between a progress report committee member and a student.
  Progress Report poster presentation as the Progress Report IIIB will be held on the first Thursday in March of next year for students who entered SOKENDAI in April and in September for students who entered SOKENDAI in October according to the schedule indicated by the Education and Research Committee of Genetics Major. The progress report committee member, other faculty members and research staffs may have discussions on a poster presented by the student. Other discussions will be held when it will be necessary.
5.Place: Within the NIG

6.Prerequisites and Styles:
  It is necessary for third-year [D1] students of 5-year Ph. D course to have completed progress report I and II for taking progress report III. (If students or their supervisors wish to decline or postpone the progress report with a special reason, they will be excluded). Students who wish to take progress report interview and poster presentation should submit their Progress Report Advisor candidate to the Department of Genetics Administrative Office. The deadline for submission is end of April for students who entered SOKENDAI in April and end of October for students who entered SOKENDAI in October. Students must also submit an Application for [Life Science Progress IIIA and IIIB] Course Registration to SOKENDAI.
  Based on request of the student, the Education and Research Committee appoints a Progress Report Committee member (either a professor or an associate professor) from the faculty members other than supervisor of the student.
  Details of enforcement for progress report interview are dependent on the agreement between progress report committee member and student. The progress report interview for D3 students of the 5-year course is focus on how to develop research activities through discussing about study progress. Because D3 students of 3-year course are in the first year, contents of interview are to discuss about setting subject for research and research plan. Each student should prepare materials (computer files, printed matters, etc) about the knowledge, opinion for setting subject for research and research plan and give a presentation to the advisor. Advisor should ask questions and help the student to organize his/her knowledge and give advices. After interviewing, advisors should inform the Chairperson of the Education Research Committee and the person in charge of Department of Genetics Office that the interview has been finished.
  In the Progress Report poster presentation, students should present their progress and/or problems to the Progress Report Advisor and other participants and may take questions and advises from them about their researches. Students have to utilize those advises and discussions to settle the problems and rearrange their knowledge. Advisors should continue to give advices in any time when students request.
8.Course objectives:
  The progress report is conducted to clarify status of study progress, and to gain appropriate suggestions from the progress committee on the points below if progress is not smooth.
<in case of students of 5-year course>
(1) Whether the student can decide the study direction by considering the research results which he/her obtained by the time
<in case of students of 3-year course>
(1) Whether the student understands content, importance, and background of the study objective
(2) Whether learning activity is effective for research
  Students should take the Life Science Progress Report I I I A first and take the Life Science Progress Report I I I B depending on entry periods (or progress of academic work by leave of absence etc.). Students have a progress individual interview as the Life Science Progress Report IA, and conduct poster presentation as the Life Science Progress Report I I I B. Exchange of opinions concerning other progress is held among progress committee members as necessary.
10.Lecture materials and readings: None

  To pass this course, students should present progress report once in each semester. In other opportunities than the progress report meeting, it is also needed to advance their studies and thought through discussions with laboratory staffs and other laboratory members and then to reflect those results to the progress reports. As the results of above activities, students are evaluated in one of four grades (A, B, C, D). Students get total of four credits, two credits for each semester when you obtain grades(A,B,C).