シラバス (Syllabus)

生命科学プログレスII A,B   Life Science Progress Report IIA and IIB

===== Japanese Version =====

1.授業科目と単位生命科学プログレスIIA, IIB

( )講義 (x)演習 ( )実習 x2単位


2.履修対象( )D1、(x)D2、( )D3、( )D4、( )D5:







生命科学プログレスIIBとしての公開発表会は,原則として4月入学者は12〜1月,10月入学者は6〜7月の間に行うが, 詳細はプログレス委員と学生との話し合いで決定する。






専攻教育研究委員会は, 学生の希望を尊重しながら,学生毎に4名の教員(助教を2名まで加えることができる)からなる小委員会を指名しそのうち1名の教授または准教授を世話係とする。ただし,原則として学生の所属する研究室の教員は小委員会に加わらない。


各学生は,それぞれの研究につきこれまでに得られた研究成果と今後の方針等をまとめた報告書(プログレスレポート)、及び研究計画書 を英文または和文で作成し,4月入学者は11月末までに,10月入学者は5月末までに大学院担当へ提出する。
学生は研究計画書と併せて"activity report"をWeb上で作成し、提出する。"activity report"には学生が遺伝研で行っている研究活動ならびに論文投稿、学会への参加等を記載する。

また,中途退学して修士号取得を希望する学生はその旨を大学院担当に連絡する。報告書は<Guide to 2nd year graduate student writing report on his/her progress>)に従い、修士号授与の方法については別に定める。





この発表会は,2年次以降に中途退学する学生に修士号を授与するための修士学位資格取得者認定審査会を兼ね, 全学生が審査対象となる。小委員会は,発表会に先立ってプログレスレポートの内容に関して補足を求めることができる。小委員会は,レポートの内容と発表をもとに,修士のレベルに達しているかどうか,博士課程3年に進学するにふさわしいかどうか(修士号授与申請者の場合には前者のみ)を検討すると共に, 修士学位資格取得者認定について判断を行う。また小委員会は、発表会に先立ってプログレスレポートの内容に関して補足を求めることができる。発表会は、4月入学者は1月中,10月入学者は7月中に行う。この発表会は、2年次以降に中途退学する学生に修士号を授与するための審査会を兼ねる。













学生は、入学時期(や休学などの学業進行状況)に応じて,生命科学プログレスIIA, 生命科学プログレスIIBの順で履修し、生命科学プログレスIIAにおいてポスター発表会を、生命科学プログレスIIBにおいて公開発表会を実施する。その他のプログレスに関する意見交換は,必要に応じてプログレス委員との間で随時実施する。







12.その他のコメント: なし


===== English Version =====


Life Science Progress Report IIA and IIB

1.Course Title, style, and credit: Life Science Progress Report IIA and IIB
( )lecture, (x) Discussions ( )practice    2 credits each/ 4 credits total
2.Appropriate grade level and Eligible Departments:
( )1, (x)2, ( )3, ( )4, ( )5:
(x)Other (Department of Genetics Only)
3.Responsible Faculty: Chair of Progress committee

  Progress report poster presentation as the Progress Report IIA will be held on the first Thursday in September for students who entered SOKENDAI in April and in March for students who entered in SOKENDAI in October. Progress report open seminar as the Progress Report IIB will be held from December to early January for students who entered SOKENDAI in April and from June to July for students who entered SOKENDAI in October, via consultation between progress report committee members and student. Other discussion will be held when it will be necessary.
5.Place: Within the NIG

6.Prerequisites and Styles:
  One has to have credits for Progress Report I to take Progress Report II. It is obligatory for all second-year students. (If students or their academic supervisors wish to decline or postpone progress report interview with special reason, they will be excluded). Students who wish to have progress report interview and poster presentation should submit their Progress Report Advisor candidates to the Department of Genetics Administrative Office. The deadline for submission is the end of April for students who entered SOKENDAI in April and the end of October for students who entered SOKENDAI in October. Education and Research Committee of Department of Genetics appoints Progress Report Committee consisting of four faculty members (no more than two assistant professors can be included) for each student, and one of them (either full professor or associate professor) becomes organizing faculty. In principle, one committee member should be organizing faculty of Life Science Progress Report I for keeping contituity. Faculty members of laboratory where the student is conducting research should not become this committee member. When students want to invite assistant professors to the committee, students should have consent from them. Progress Report Committee members are determined by the Education and Research Committee upon consideration of candidates submitted from the student.
  Each student should submit Progress Report, that includes research results so far obtained and future plan, according to "
Guide to 2nd year graduate student writing report on his /her progress" , and Research Plan to Department of Genetics Administrative Office by the end of November for students who entered SOKENDAI in April and by the end of May for students who entered SOKENDAI in October.
  Besides, each student is required to submit “activity report" on the Web, which includes NIG activities, external activities and etc.
  Students who wish to quit this Graduate School and to receive M.S. (Master of Science) degree should inform this request to Department of Genetics Administrative Office. Progress Report should be prepared in accordance with “Guide to 2nd year graduate student writing report on his/her progress”. Procedures for obtaining Master’s degree are provided separately.
  Also, since it is included Evaluation for Master’s Degree Qualification, students should get 32 credits (※including freshman course) before passing PRII.
※For students who entered after FY 2015.
  In the progress report poster presentation, students should present their progress and problems to the Progress Report Committee members and other participants, and may take questions and advises from them about their researches. Students may consider those advises and discussions to settle the problems and rearrange their knowledge. Committee members should continue to give advices in any time when students request.
  In the progress report oral presentation, each student gives an open talk based on the contents of the report submitted in advance. Students will take questions and advices from the participants of the progress report seminar and should consider them for their knowledge rearrangement and problem settling.
  This presentation also acts as evaluation of specific research project for Master’s degree qualification which is examination of M.S. degree awarding for student who wishes to quit this Graduate School, and all of students are subject to this evaluation. This committee may ask additional information on the submitted Progress Report. Based on this presentation and submitted Progress Report, the committee discusses whether student reached M.S. level or not (this is considered for student who wishes to receive M.S. degree), whether student is qualified to proceed to third year of 5-year Ph.D. program or not, and evaluate that the student acquire the qualification of obtaining a Master’s degree. Committee members may give advices to student in other occasions if necessary.
8.Course objectives:
  To clarify status of study progress, and to receive appropriate suggestions from progress committee on the points below if progress is not smooth
(1) Whether one can pursue research and can interpret its results properly
(2) Whether one can write report on study result either in Japanese or in English
  Students should take the Life Science Progress Report IIA first and take the Life Science Progress Report IIB depending on entry periods (or progress of academic work by leave of absence etc.). Poster presentation is held as the Life Science Progress Report IIA and public presentation is held as the Life Science Progress Report IIB. Exchange of opinions concerning other progress is held among progress committee members as necessary.
10.Lecture materials and readings: None

  To pass this course, students should present progress report once in each semester. In other opportunities than the progress report presentation, it is also needed for students to advance their researches and thought by discussing with laboratory staffs and other laboratory members and then to reflect those results to the progress reports. As the results of above activities, students are evaluated in one of four grades (A, B, C, D). Students get total of four credits, two credits for each semester when you obtain grades(A,B,C).