Oral Scientific Communication 1 Syllabus
遺伝学科学英語口頭演習 1 シラバス

Course objectives:
The goal of this course is to develop the skills to effectively present and discuss scientific matters in English. The course is designed for students to strengthen communicative ability and logical thinking skills on a step-by-step basis through the year-long course.

Note, however, that this course is not an English conversation class. The course is specifically designed to help future scientists effectively communicate their science.

To apply, please fill the Application Form.

This course is based on an education program, called the "NIG Method", developed by scientists at NIG. The contents cover various issues and weakpoints that are frequently observed in scientific situations. Ample opportunity is provided to practice various skills necessary for various aspects of scientific presentation and discussion. Students will receive advice and guidance from a native speaker of English.

Course style:
An interactive seminar in a small group of students.

Course organizer:
HIRATA Tatsumi <tathirat(at)nig.ac.jp>
055-981-6721, Dvision of Brain Function Rm. C518
GOHMARU Taji <gohmaru(at)nig.ac.jp>

Schedule:See the following web site for the general schedule.

NIG Method for Scientific Presentation


Appropriate grade level and Eligible Program: (x) 1, (x) 2, (x) 3, (x) 4, (x) 5: (x) Genetics Program

For SOKENDAI students, two credits can be obtained by registering for the subject "Oral Scientific Communication 1 (遺伝学科学英語口頭演習 1) and taking the NIG Method for Scientific Presentation.

Students must achieve an attendance record of at least 70% to be considered for passing. Grades will be determined by participation in-class activities (50%), preparation of homework assignments (30%), and a final individual presentation based on the student's own research (20%).
80-100% A
70-79% B
60-69% C
Below 60% D (not passing)



last updated 230313