2009年度シラバス (Syllabus 2009)

進化遺伝学特論 (Evolutionary Genetics)

===== Japanese Version =====

1.授業科目と単位:次世代志向境界領域I〜V 進化遺伝学特論
(x)講義 ( )演習 ( )実習  0.5単位

2.履修対象者:(x)D1,(x) D2, (x)D3, (x)D4, (x)D5:
(x)生命科学研究科, ( )総研大の全研究科, その他( ) )

3.授業担当教員:教授 五條堀 孝、准教授 池尾 一穂
 質問はe-mail かe-mailで調整した時間の面談を歓迎。
五條堀: tgojobor@genes.nig.ac.jp、電話055-981-6847、FAX 055-981-6848、国立遺伝学研究所W502
池尾: kikeo@genes.nig.ac.jp, 電話055-981-6851, FAX 055-981-6848、国立遺伝学研究所W509






  1. 進化遺伝学の基礎となる理論の基礎を理解する。
  2. 進化遺伝学や比較進化学で用いられる手法を理解する。
  3. 研究を進めるにあたって必要となる生命情報学に関する理解を持つ。


第1回12月 7日(池尾 一穂)生物の多様性と遺伝子の多様性:進化研究に必要な比較進化的手法の理解
第2回12月21日(五條堀 孝)分子進化学の基礎
第3回 1月18日(池尾 一穂)ゲノムからみた生物の進化
第4回 1月25日(五條堀 孝)遺伝子発現からみた生物の進化

分子進化と分子系統学 根井 正利 S.クマー 著 培風館 2006



===== English Version =====

1.Course Title, style, and credit: Perspective of Frontiers I-V

Evolutionary Genetics                                                           
(○)lecture, ( ) Discussions ( )practice  0.5 credit

2.Appropriate grade level and Eligible Departments: (x)1, (x)2, (x)3, (x)4, (x)5:
(x)School of Life Science,( ) All Departments, ( ) Other (  )   )

3.Lecturer(s): Takashi Gojobori, Kazuho Ikeo
The first contact and submission of the paper by e-mail are most welcome.
Contacts to the lecturer (e-mail address, Tel and Fax numbers, and the office):
Takashi Gojobori: tgojobor@genes.nig.ac.jp , Tel: 055-981-6847, Fax: 055-981-6848, 502 in Building W
Kazuho Ikeo: kikeo@genes.nig.ac.jp , Tel: 055-981-6851 Fax: 055-981-6848, 509 in Building W

4.Time: (oral) 10:50-12:30 on Monday

5.Place: (oral) 3F seminar room of the library in National Institute of genetics

6.Prerequisites and Styles
It is desirable to have the basic knowledge corresponding to the lecture of evolution and genetics, but it is not essential. It is given as an oral lecture. The lecture will be provided in English if more than one foreign student attends.

To understand evolution from the view points of gene level or genome comparison, the historical background, methodologies, and examples are introduced. In this science, knowledge of bioinformatics and molecular evolution are also important. For this reason, they are also introduced to understand their basic background.

8.Course objectives:
1. To understand the essential of theory evolutionary genetics
2. To understand the technologies which are used in this field for the data analysis
3. To understand the bioinformatics to use them for comparative study


  Date [lecturers if omnibus]Topic
1. Dec 7[Kazuho Ikeo]Evolution of species and genes
2. Dec 21[Takashi Gojobori]The basis of molecular evolutionary studies
3.Jan 18[Kazuho Ikeo]Evolution of Genome
4.Jan 25 [Takashi Gojobori] Comparative gene expressionics

10Lecture materials and readings
   For further reading, “Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics”: Masatoshi Nei, Sudhir Kumar, Oxford Univ Pr (Sd) 2000)”.

The grades will be either “passed” or “failed”, which is determined by the quality of the paper, which must be submitted to the lecturer by the provided deadline.

