Unit 3: Summarizing, Paraphrasing and Effective Titles

This unit is designed to help students develop an awareness of the most important concepts of a certain topic. Although every explanation will contain supporting evidence and details, some key elements are more important than others. We will practice summarizing and paraphrasing explanations in ways that highlight those mains elements. This will also involve using our own words to explain in the simplest and most appropriate way possible rather than simply repeating the same words and phrases. Being able to adjust your explanation to make it appropriate to your audience is a valuable skill for a presenter with an audience of researchers from different fields. Also this week we will look at strategies for making effective presentation titles. We practice strategically selecting the most appropriate ideas from our research to effectively construct an informative and attention-grabbing presentation title. We discuss how different titles appeal to different audiences. Students will make and discuss titles for short scientific speeches we listen to in class.