Topic 4: Titles and Paraphrasing

The first topic covered this week takes summarizing to an extreme level. We learn to strategically select the most appropriate ideas from our research to effectively construct an informative and attention-grabbing presentation title. We discuss how different titles appeal to different audiences and how to best appeal to a scientific audience. To practice this we make and compare titles for the scientific speeches we listened to in the previous week.

The second topic is that of paraphrasing. We look at two approaches here. One is adjusting our explanations to suit the audience by providing them with the appropriate information in the appropriate manner for that particular audience. The other is a skill valuable to non-native speakers. We focus on adjusting the explanations to suit our own level of English. If we explain an idea in English we are confident using, the audience is almost guaranteed to understand our explanations. We practice paraphrasing complex scientific content using words and structures we are most comfortable with aiming for clarity and logical storyline.